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type     June, 2005

Vol 2 Chapter 17: Impact of SOx and NOx in Flue Gas on CO2 Separation, Compression and Pipeline Transmission

Bruce Sass, Bruce Monzyk, Stephen Ricci, Abhishek Gupta, Barry Hindin and Neeraj Gupta

Abstract: This study is an assessment of the effects of impurities in CO2 streams on aboveground processing equipment. It is primarily a literature review that focuses on SOx and NOx impurities in flue gas. The three main components of the data analysis include:

  1. Impact of impurities on the performance of amine separation systems.
  2. Evaluation of the phase behavior of multi-component gas mixtures on multi-stage compressors.
  3. Literature review of compressed gases to determine the corrosivity of pipeline materials in contact with CO2, SOx, and NOx species with moisture present.

Flue gas impurities, such as SOx, NOx, other trace gases, and volatile metals have the potential of interacting unfavorably with capture, compression, and pipeline transmission of CO2. Absorption and regeneration characteristics of amines and other solvents used to separate CO2 are affected adversely by acid gas impurities, as their amine salts form essentially irreversibly. Compression of gas mixtures is subject to condensation of the higher boiling constituents, which may limit the ability to achieve adequate interstage cooling and may damage the compressor and other related processing equipment. Materials used in separation, compression, and transmission are subject to corrosion by acids formed from hydrolysis of SOx and NOx species in the presence of water. Finally, metals such as arsenic and mercury are accumulated from the coal and oil, and may hinder downstream processes.

Carbon Dioxide Capture for Storage in Deep Geologic Formations – Results from the CO2 Capture Project Geologic Storage of Carbon Dioxide with Monitoring and Verification - Volume 2
Edited by:
Sally M. Benson, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, USA

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